Wednesday 17 September 2014

You Know You're Getting Older When

          There are some changes that took place in your life when you're getting older. As I'm turning 20 years old end of this year, I noticed that I'm one more step from getting older. Below are some facts that I realized:

1. Appearance - Compared to me when I'm still in secondary school, hairstyle is very important to me. No matter where I'm going, as long as there are reflective objects around, I will look on my hairstyle. But when getting older, appearance is still important but as a form of respect. I began to wear smart.

2. Financial - As getting older, I train myself not to ask pocket money from my parents. Instead, I began to support the family's financial in a small amount.

3. Interest - While I'm teenager, I used to read comics and novels. I have a series collection of Enid Blyton's story book besides than the popular Doraemon comics. Turning older, my interest moved to things that are more practical and able to increase my knowledge. I began to have interest in investment, business and properties. I learn business strategy from experience peoples, observe how peoples run their business.

4. Food - Same as many kids, I used to love snacks, instant noodle, chocolate and hate eating vegetables. As getting older, I starts to eat healthy and eat as much as vege as I could. 

5. Ambition - People used to ask my ambition when I'm small, and my answer was being a doctor. As getting older, I realize that ambition are not by just saying, it requires a lot of effort and sacrifice. As I hate biology subject very much, being a doctor seems impossible to me. Instead of becoming a doctor, I choose for engineering course. 

6. Planning for the future - I began to plan for my future and one of them was what field I'm going to after by studies. Besides, I began to manage my own finance by tracking down my spending. I limit myself not to spend over the budget daily.

7. Internet - As getting older, I used to surf more in business and investment forum, instead of uploading those nonsense status on Facebook as what I do when I'm in my secondary life.

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