Sunday 14 September 2014

Producing Music Video

          Peoples nowadays tends to gain popularity from many diffrent ways. One of them is by becoming a Youtube celebrity. Recently, there are many youngsters tends to gain their fame by uploading videos to youtube. The famous one was Joseph Germani, Dan Khoo and Jin Lim (Jinnyboy). Besides than them, there are tons of Youtube celebrity out there with interesting stuff and worth watching video.

          Although I personally have a Youtube channel with over a million view, still it doesn't make me famous. All it need to make someone famous on Youtube is producing a video that shows your creativity, interesting to the audience and brings a lot of knowledge.

          I've tried many different types of video since year 2009. The one that most special to me was filming a music video. It was my first time to touch those high tech equipment such as steadycam, slider and crane. With the help of my friends, we managed to shoot the entire music video in just one day!

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